Darbo valandos: pirmadienis - penktadienis, 08:00 - 17:00

Vision, mission and policy


Delivery of transportation and logistics services that ensure better performance results and meeting our customer expectations, needs and requirements.
Adequate and responsible creation of working environment that responds to the requirements and liabilities of our customers and stakeholders.


Becoming a highly competent and internationally recognized company:

  • – having the highest level of competence and impeccable reputation,
  • – delivering top quality services,
  • – able to effectively and expeditiously adapt to continuously changing business environment and the needs of our customers and stakeholders.

We are striving for our mission and vision through the application of the provisions of the management policy:

Improvement and maintenance of the Company’s management system that complies with  ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards and the related legislation of the Republic of Lithuania and other regulations in seeking the growth of its operational performance.

Continuous growth of the employee managerial and technical competences, fostering their self-reliance, creative abilities and personal responsibility that allow and motivate working in a democratic and open atmosphere.

Delivery of top quality transportation and logistics services responding to the customer needs and the liabilities assumed by undertakings.

Fostering long-term, mutually beneficial relations with suppliers and partners based on the principles of cooperation, respect and equality.

Innovative, safe and environment-friendly technologies supporting service delivery processes and quality assurance.

Optimisation of service delivery processes through rational use of resources and reduction of negative environmental impact.

Adequate prevention of accidents and occupational diseases enabling our employees to work in safe and health-friendly environment.

Compilation and analysis of data that enables planning of business operations and adoption of fact-based business and management decisions.

Regular reviews of the provisions of the policy to ensure its relevance, to set new goals and tasks in striving for continuous growth and efficiency.


Bureau Veritas Certification Holding SAS – UK Branch certify that the Management System has been audited and found to be in accordance with the requirements of the management system ISO 9001, ISO 14001 and ISO 45001 standards.